Saturday, January 25, 2014

My First Blog - Tropical Ecology Class

1.       What are you excited about learning in your tropical ecology class?
I am excited to learn about how interactions in tropical ecosystem occur. How animals interact with the environment, and how this environment affects animals and plants. What are the levels of trophy in an ecosystem (with specific examples). I am also interested in learning about animal behavior in response to the environment, for example, when animals migrate and why? When is the period of breeding and nesting of some animals, and how seasonality affects animal behavior, diet, etc. I also want to learn about scientific research and how the scientific method works, how a scientific research is developed, and how to read and find scientific articles. In general, ecology is an important branch of biology, and tropical ecology is the topic of matter for the SEED students as we all come from the tropics.

2.       What is one of the main environmental issues your community experiences?
As I live in the suburbs of San Salvador city, trash pollution is the major environmental issue in my community. Just behind my house, there is a creek, and this is very polluted. People throw their garbage in the creek and eventually this affects the aesthetics of the place, and when heavy rains come, floods threaten the houses located on the banks of the creek.

3.       What things have your learned thus far to help improve the environmental conditions of your community? (Think about all the classes you have taken and experiences in the field).
When I was an intern last summer in the Sandy River Basin Watershed Council, I learned with their projects about some principles of hydrology. My supervisor explained to me how the depletion of the riparian vegetation in a creek affects making vulnerable to bank erosion and floods. He also gave me some specific ideas to implement in my community. The key is to reforest the banks.

4.       Post a YouTube video related to the ecology of your country (less than 5 min video)

 El Imposible National Park - Ecological Refuge of El Salvador

5.       Post a link of a website that has information of the flora and fauna of your country.

El Imposible National Park - Flora and Fauna

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