Monday, February 17, 2014

Lab #5 Germination and Productivity

Part 2 Lab Write Up

1.      What was our CONTROL for this experiment?
The control of this experiment was the presence or absence of light. Two samples were placed in a dark room (no natural or sunlight were allowed) and the two other samples were place in a light room where sunlight could go through (located next to a window).

2.      What is the percent germination for the LIGHT TREATMENT? For the DARK TREATMENT?
Total of seeds that germinated = 69
Total of seeds planted = 144
Percentage of germination = (/144)*100 = 48%

Percent germination for dark treatment:
      Total of seeds that germinated = 94
      Total of seeds planted = 144
      Percentage of germination = (94/144)*100 = 65.28%

3.      Compare the difference in appearance in the dark treatment and the light treatment plants
The light treatment plants look green and fresh. The dark treatment plants look yellowish, blown color and the stem is a little bended.

4.      If there was growth in the dark treatment plants, explain why that growth may have taken place even though light was not reaching the plants.
There was growth in dark treatment because the seeds have enough energy stored to produce the germination of the seedling, so the growth of the seedling is not the result of sunlight, is the result of the energy stored in the seed.

5.      GPP = NPP + R
NPP = 2.0 g.
R = 18.9 g.

GPP = 2.0 g. + 18.9 g.
GPP = 20.9 g.

6.      Graphs:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daniel,
    Good job on your lab. Your grade is 5.5/7. You are missing 1.5 points because you got the assignment late (-1) and the control of the experiment is: the light treatment (-.5)
