Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Three peer-review articles about the management of the ecosystems in El Salvador

1. Status of conservation of Agalychnis moreletii in El Salvador
Available from: http://www.marn.gob.sv/phocadownload/pp_nn_1.pdf

This report describes the status of conservation of Agalychnis moreletii, which is a species of frog, in El Salvador. The report was written by Nestor Herrera from the Department of Natural Resources of El Salvador.

2. Current status of the natural protected areas in El Salvador
Availablefrom: http://www.marn.gob.sv/index.php?option=com_phocadownload&view=category&download=73:i-informe-

This report is based on a national research in El Salvador executed by the Department of Natural Resources and evaluating the status of the natural protected areas.

3. Status of knowledge of biodiversity in El Salvador
Available from: https://www.inbio.ac.cr/web-ca/biodiversidad/el-salvador/salvador.pdf

This is an important article that the describes the current situation of the biodiversity of El Salvador. It was conducted by the National Institute of Biodiversity financed by the Norway Government.

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