Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Three popular articles about the ecosystems or environment in El Salvador

1. Citizens ask for more attention towards the environment from the Government

This article from a local newspaper describes how citizens of El Salvador are asking the government to pay more attention to environmental issues, and make it a priority in their political agenda.

2. El Salvador obtains financing from Germany to support the environment

This article from a local newspaper describes that the Government from Germany signed a covenant with El Salvador to finance $28 million to invest them in the protection and restoration of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor.

3. Chaparrastique volcano is still active

This article from a local newspaper describes how the Chaparrastique volcano located in Eastern El Salvador is still active after one month of the first eruption. This article is from January 27 2014, and the eruption occurred on December 15 2013

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